The Private Markets Forum 2025 will delve into the factors against which the private market has demonstrated resilience in recent months, such as inflation, interest rate fluctuations, and (geo)political conflicts. During the Forum, we will explore whether private markets continue to be an adequate instrument for portfolio diversification or can even be regarded as the main asset class.
Investments in the technology sector remain a significant driving force in the private markets, as is also the case with listed companies, and the potential is far from exhausted. The private markets, in particular, are subject to a constantly changing environment and framework conditions, which in turn create scope for new investment ideas. It is precisely these opportunities that we want to explore on stage and in the numerous workshops. Where are the possible pearls? Where are the greatest opportunities for returns in the coming years? Which investments are the best way to hedge against external factors?
Representing Patrimonium, Moritz Frerker, Managing Director Private Credit & Head of Direct Lending, and Daniel Heine, Managing Director Private Credit, will be on site. Do not hesitate to approach them to engage in exciting discussions on the topic of private markets.
GDI Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute
Langhaldenstrasse 21
8803 Rüschlikon